NASAA Certified Organic

Symbiotic Relationship

What happens when you have a symbiotic relationship between our 35 year old NASAA certified organic permaculture property at Pt Elliot and our new Beach Organics commercial kitchen at PLANT 4 BOWDEN?

The freshest, cleanest, best tasting, health giving, plant based cuisine around!

This is what I picked at sun rise this morning and this is what will appear on your plate this afternoon:
crisp heirloom lettuce, cavelo nero, Swiss chard, spinach, edible flowers, basil, African basil, chillies, tatsoi, spring onions, rosemary,
lemon thyme, mint, heirloom beetroot and tomatoes, parsley, crisp french radishes, lemon verbena, kaffir lime leaves, curry leaves … and the list goes on!

Image may contain: plant, food and outdoor    Image may contain: plant, outdoor, nature and food